This last week I asked the existential question...
"Can I just copy and paste all my tweets into a word document and call that my pages for the day? Seriously, can I?"
To my shock the answer from lots of Tweeps, was yes!
So here they are the best Tweets of the week (plus a few Golden Oldies and odd notes and ramblings about them now that I have more than 140 characters! Consider this the Director's Cut of Tweets)...
Most of these were RTed or @ed, the rest I thought should have been, damn it!
Also a few tweets that came across the stream that I couldn't help but RT!
The dogs hump each other. The cat makes sweet love to the fuzzy blanket. Why are my animals getting more action than I am? #dontanswerthat
#Seriously, don't.
Craigslist Personal M4W Ad: “Hey, all you ladies within walking distance to my apartment.” Wow. Just wow.
I have to give an official thank you to Craig's list. So much fodder in such a convenient little package!
Finally V-Day candy off the shelves! What? Now Easter candy everywhere? #doesntJesuswantmetoloseweight
This one got some serious play. Lots of people asked what was going to happen after Easter? Duh, clearly they'll start stocking Halloween candy!
Do you ever wonder what happened to accounts that were clearly Spamming and suddenly stopped? Did their bot die? A moment of silence?
I thought that one was hysterical, but didn't expect it to do much in the stream, yet got lots of play. Loving the fact people share my bizarre sense of humor!
Firefox "couldn't find" Twitter #heartjustskippedabeatCome on, come on, come on, restart, damn it, I've got the funniest tweet ever with no where to type it!
To LOL or not to LOL, that is the "?" Ever wonder after writing a kick-a** tweet, should I LOL or is that too presumptuous? LOL me either!
I loved this one, but not a peep on the stream Clearly no one else sits there for five minutes as types in LOL, then deletes, then thinks, no, maybe they won't get the humor, types it back in, deletes it... Damn it, I'm doing it again, right now.
Try to tear paper towel, assuming its a narrow eco-friendly ones – wasn’t so knocked roll off holder. Look up, of course cute guy watching!
Fine, this one never should have been a tweet, the set up and pay off were just too long, but I couldn't help but share the moment.
What actually happened was this really, really cute guy was walking up to the lunch break area. I was about to tear off a paper towel. And for some reason, I felt the movement needed a flourish, so, thinking it was one of those really narrow eco-friendly one, I tore really hard. It wasn't so the damn sheet tore jagged, and pulled the roll off the holder and fell into the wet sink. Can you say awkward. Even though the guy clearly had a coffee mug and needed creamer, he just walked on by. Yah, just call me a spaz-o-matic
A watched microwave never beeps. Yes, I'm cracking myself up again. Get used to it :-)
Nemesis caught me licking the tray of my weight watcher's lasagna.... Again. #shemustdie or #needtohidebetter
Wow, did this one resonate up and down the stream. Loving my fellow bitter dieters!
Sat down to actually eat lunch at kitchen table. Then realized, crap, now I probably should use utensils too! #toomuchwork
For some reason LOST 7 followers over this one. Did they not read my 'popped in a cough drop because I'm too lazy to brush my teeth" tweet? Guess it is better they go now before I start talking about feminine hygiene products again!
I'm sure those 7 didn't read this Golden Oldie:
The one benefit of menopause? When getting your wallet out, you don’t have to worry about flinging a tampon into the clerk’s face.
Some fun interactions...
@InkyTwig Yum! Who knew that French Fries dipped in Hershey's Chocolate Syrup could taste so good! --->Um, anyone on weightwatchers? LOL
@lostplum the construction workers across the street need to cut it out like a tumor! *dang why you gotta be funny after I post a good one?*
@b1gd840 Warning! R-rated! @dahara: Sex is a natural antihistamine. It can combat asthma and hay fever<--starve a cold and f*ck a fever? Okay, this one cost me 15 followers! Happy now @b1gd840 and @dahara? LOL Actually it was totally worth it. Although clearly I have a PG (not even PG-13) audience!
And my fav stand alone Tweets:
@amyzesbaugh Bought a bra that promises to cover me in “concealing petals.” I chose it over the brand that offers a “thorn in your side.”
@ScottAukerman Just found out I am too fat to watch a Kevin Smith movie
@greeneyyyzz Ok, time to slap on my assless chaps and head to Walmart. I. Must. Blend. With. The. Locals.
And to close with one of my fav Tweeps...
@thezeroboss For Lent, I'm giving up giving things up.
Thanks to each one of you for being funnier than I am, because even though it clearly notes that it is the tweet is not mine and is a RT, people still think I came up with that little comic gem. And you know what? I don't correct them! LOL
Anyway, I'd love some feedback on this new Blog tradition. Any tweets you thought should have been included? Do you like the Director's Cut version or wish you could turn off the behind-the-scenes feature?
Have a great day (or mediocre, because those seem to generate the best Tweets) and see you on the stream! :-)
Your post is quite refreshing. It makes me think on why do we read all this ? What is the impact of our writing in other people's lives ? Does it matter ? In my case, I read your tweets because I find them real and honest. A rare commodity in a self-promoting demented place like Twitter.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Garami and am glad we met somehow on twitter! LOL
ReplyDeleteThis was fun, don't get rid of the behind the scenes feature either... it adds value to it :)
Your post is quite refreshing. It makes me think on why do we read all this ? What is the impact of our writing in other people's lives ? Does it matter ? In my case, I read your tweets because I find them real and honest. A rare commodity in a self-promoting demented place like Twitter.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Garami and am glad we met somehow on twitter! LOL
ReplyDeleteThis was fun, don't get rid of the behind the scenes feature either... it adds value to it :)