Oh, it’s not really, but I had to write something to get you to read this blog, right?
Because, come on, if writing were like sex we would be doing it, or at least WANTING (no whining, complaining, cleaning the toilet instead) to do it everyday, all the time.
In bed, your roommate’s closet (crap, hope she isn’t reading this), and even the beach (don’t get me started). Morning, noon, and night.
We wouldn’t wring out hands in doubt or waver in our dedication, would we?
Maybe we should think of our pens as… Hold on, I’m a little worried where that metaphor might go.
If we treated writing as natural as our sex drive we wouldn’t need an entire industry (Writer’s Digest.com ,etc) devoted to encouraging us to ‘do it, ‘ now would we? (Sex bots aside)
Inspiration comes in waves. Desire to write rises and falls naturally.
I have a feeling if we just stopped fighting our creative urges, we’d all have a shot at the #1 NYT Best-seller’s list.
So my challenge to you all?
Write a #vss (very short story, so it must be under 140 characters INCLUDING the 4 you need for #vss –plus the space afterward , so 136 characters) in the comment box.
The best one I’ll RT, include in my “Best of” blog, and promote the heck out of it all week!
Think of it as a ‘quickie!’ to get you started ☺