Thursday, May 20, 2010

I have reached "Pre-Celebrity" Status... Could everyone please treat me like it?

Yes, that special day has come. I have reached "Pre-Celebrity" status.

And yes, of course, it is in my own mind, but where else does it really matter? LOL

I mean, how in the world am I ever going to get that coveted blue "Verified" check after all? (how nice would it look next to my pic, don't you think :-)

You might ask, what is the difference between a pre-celebrity and an actual, you know, celebrity?

Well, the one beautiful thing is that you don't need the outside world to convey it upon you. I am already there, baby! #justcuzIsaidso

What comes with this 'Pre-Celebrity' mantle you might ask? Well, for one thing, I think you should start laughing harder at my tweets and blogs. I mean, I am a pre-celebrity after all. It is my due #andIamtakingnames

I would like to say I am feeling generally superior to everyone, you know, you mere mortals, but alas that is saved for 'pre-diva' status (which I covet as well. #maybenextyear).

I also feel that I could now date someone of 'minor' celebrity status as long as he has some form of addiction or is on heavy psyche meds. Because I mean I AM trying to keep it real. #well #oraswellasIusuallydo

So, 'Pre-Celebrity' now. Blue Checked tomorrow. Real celebrity #whenhellfreezesover

And don't forget my novel Plain Jane is out! Now be forewarned, there is no pink and definitely no Ding Dongs.

My rebellious pen name @cristynwest went a wrote a book about mystery and mayhem. #weird

If you like Patterson or Silence of the Lambs, you can find Plain Jane at Smashwords ( Watch the book trailer, listen to the audio excerpt, and even read over 50 pages of Plain Janefor free. I mean come on... #itcantgetbetterthanthat

Ok, actually it can! Here's a 50% off coupon (use at checkout): RH88E

So get over there and check it out already! I need that dang beautiful Blue Check!


  1. Love this idea :) Also, really appreciate your writing advice on twitter! Didn't think I was a writer even after I had written my first script. These things kinda creep up on you...

  2. we shall bow as we write our tweets to you now. of course, you won't know that...hmmm...but we will, I swear. hehe

  3. I'm pretty sure the blue check means you've won at the Internet, a la @AllieBrosh.

  4. Next thing we'll know you and Brad Pitt will be spotted by the paparazzi eating lunch together. I'm already jealous:)

  5. Is pre-celebrity like off-Broadway? Or perhaps off-off-Broadway? Well, congratulations.

    From your pre-pre-pre-celebrity Twitter friend. :)

  6. Is pre-celebrity like off-Broadway? Or perhaps off-off-Broadway? Well, congratulations.

    From your pre-pre-pre-celebrity Twitter friend. :)

  7. I'm pretty sure the blue check means you've won at the Internet, a la @AllieBrosh.
