Yes, that special day has come. I have reached "Pre-Celebrity" status.
And yes, of course, it is in my own mind, but where else does it really matter? LOL
I mean, how in the world am I ever going to get that coveted blue "Verified" check after all? (how nice would it look next to my pic, don't you think :-)
You might ask, what is the difference between a pre-celebrity and an actual, you know, celebrity?
Well, the one beautiful thing is that you don't need the outside world to convey it upon you. I am already there, baby! #justcuzIsaidso
What comes with this 'Pre-Celebrity' mantle you might ask? Well, for one thing, I think you should start laughing harder at my tweets and blogs. I mean, I am a pre-celebrity after all. It is my due #andIamtakingnames
I would like to say I am feeling generally superior to everyone, you know, you mere mortals, but alas that is saved for 'pre-diva' status (which I covet as well. #maybenextyear).
I also feel that I could now date someone of 'minor' celebrity status as long as he has some form of addiction or is on heavy psyche meds. Because I mean I AM trying to keep it real. #well #oraswellasIusuallydo
So, 'Pre-Celebrity' now. Blue Checked tomorrow. Real celebrity #whenhellfreezesover
And don't forget my novel Plain Jane is out! Now be forewarned, there is no pink and definitely no Ding Dongs.
My rebellious pen name @cristynwest went a wrote a book about mystery and mayhem. #weird
If you like Patterson or Silence of the Lambs, you can find Plain Jane at Smashwords (http://bit.ly/b60jVe. Watch the book trailer, listen to the audio excerpt, and even read over 50 pages of Plain Janefor free. I mean come on... #itcantgetbetterthanthat
Ok, actually it can! Here's a 50% off coupon (use at checkout): RH88E
So get over there and check it out already! I need that dang beautiful Blue Check!