Sunday, November 21, 2010

Turkey GIrl

Yes, that is my plight.  Because you see I was born on Thanksgiving.

Not just near Thanksgiving, or around Thanksgiving, but on the actual day. So every 8 years my birthday falls on our National holiday as it does this year.

Before you go all "how delightful," hear me out.

Instead of being sung 'happy birthday' you get some weird 'gobble, gobble, gobble' variation that invariably ends in the whole family (sans you) falling into hysterical laughter.

You get birthday cakes in the shape of turkeys.  I mean, what little girl doesn't want that #none #nonewantthat

You get turkey themed birthday presents.  Why, look how lovely.... turkey slippers. #deargawd

And why bother having an actual birthday party when the whole family is together for Thanksgiving?

Only Christmas, and New Year's babies can really appreciate my plight.

You get 'fusion' birthday/Christmas presents that never quite add up to what you would have gotten as two separate gifts.

And you usually can't turn to your friends for support because, well, they are out of town with their families.

Instead you sit there and smile when your aunt offers you a second helping of turkey, 'as her little birthday present to you.'


So as you sit down to eat your Thanksgiving dinner, think of this turkey girl and in your head sing her a little 'gobble, gobble, gobble' song! #andknowmyagony :-)


  1. Well, this New Year's baby (Jan 2) understands your plight QUITE well, thank you very much. It does suck.

    So, just do what I (plan to) do....

    Buy yourself a really great, enormously expensive gift that everyone, EVER should have bought you.

    Then, that smile will be genuine.


  2. Yeah, that sucks no doubt. At least you'll never go hungry on your birthday!

  3. Sympathize on the holiday bday, both of us have December bdays, one right after xmas. On Thanksgiving we will have a glass of wine (or 2 or 3)in your honor.

  4. I hear you! Mine lands on Thanksgiving this year. My SIL's is a few days earlier; we'll celebrate together. I don't insist on a cake, but my mom does, so I let her bring one. Snicker. I'll make the coffee.

    My grandfather's birthday was November 27. We used to bond over Thanksgiving birthday stories, so I guess it wasn't too bad!

  5. Being a New Year's baby I know yor plight and feel for you. (hug)

  6. Being a New Year's baby I know yor plight and feel for you. (hug)

  7. Sympathize on the holiday bday, both of us have December bdays, one right after xmas. On Thanksgiving we will have a glass of wine (or 2 or 3)in your honor.
