Way back when I first started this whole Twitter thing it was because I was jealous (and really, what in my life hasn't been based solely on revenge? #toomanytocount).
But a very silly techno-phobic friend of mine (I won't name names, but her Twitter handle is @TheDeeView #somuchfordiscrete) somehow started Tweeting and got over 1,000 followers!
How could I stand for that??? I am the webbie! I am the techno-phile! #damnit
So I went and scrounged up my old Twitter account and started tweeting away.
I had absolutely no idea what I was doing and absolutely no purpose.
I mean, I didn't title my blog the same as my Twitter name. Brand, What Brand?
But like lightening in a bottle, crafty grew and grew. I got my business its own account @zerotosold to help authors/screenwriters/directors get themselves and their work out there.
With those two accounts up and running beautifully I thought, ok, I've done it. I have proven I can tweet (ok, fine and I liked it #likedittoomuch #waytoomuch)
Yet somehow despite the fact craftycmc is my personal account, my writing has leaked out and since my homies are writers, I've been getting more and more DMs and @ asking about writing and the craft of it.
Even with all that influx, I just briefly answered writing questions when I could. I wanted to keep craftycmc light and fun and frankly #allaboutme #andmyissues #nogreatsurprisethere
But then what does my business partner have to do? Start his account for acting, @ActingNoDrama
Now he is having the time of life tweeting about his true love; acting.
#damnitm #squared
Now, of course, I want to Tweet about writing!
24/7. Blog about it. Talk about it. Swim in a stream of writing craft. #Iamfreakinginsanethatway
So, yet another endeavor based on jealously and unbridled passion #Iamlikeapuppydogoffaleash...
I introduce to you.....@WritingNoDrama
Be forewarned! I love writing and writers, but I'm not the 'hold-your-hand-and-pat-your-head' type of coach.
I'm the "Shut & Write!" type of coach! (don't believe me? check out my first blog, so very accurately entitled "Shut Up & Write" @http://bit.ly/dBYr6s)
Basically if you are serious about your writing (no matter your skill level - craft can be taught, desire and dedication cannot), I am serious about helping you write.
#wellthatandafewhashmarks #ok #fine #abunchofhashmarks #andsomefun #ya #yalotsoffun
Ah, much better. This enables me to post under Weekend Cowgirl. Love this blog!
ReplyDeleteSo glad I stopped by. You are funny and I needed a laugh today.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I totally get the 'jealous' tweeting thing #Iwantmorefollowers too #wink!
I know it may be odd coming from me, but we stumbled upon your twitter and blog... And saw you very happy... Which made me smile. :-)
ReplyDeleteI hope the rift between us isn't great enough that I won't be able to offer my sincere, professional "Congratulations"
I know you've worked a very long time to get to where you are, so you should take like.... "A Bunch" of pride in all you have achieved, it is no easy task.
I'm very glad to see we're both doing well and on our way to achieving all those dreams we've dreamt about.
P.S. I made sure to use a lot of ellipses... because i know you Loooove them. ;-)
So glad I stopped by. You are funny and I needed a laugh today.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I totally get the 'jealous' tweeting thing #Iwantmorefollowers too #wink!