Perhaps I have mentioned, I am ANTI-SOCIAL.
No, this isn't just a feeling I have, it is a confirmed fact.
My Momma told me never to talk to strangers and I took her very seriously!
Oh, you want an example? I will give you an example!
But first before you judge me too harshly, I must set the scene...
I drove to San Diego to meet a friend as he was wrapping up a convention. We had plans to go to our favorite restaurant.
His panel finished but before we could make our escape, a bunch of fans descended upon him.
Pretty typical except the last two that lingered.
One was the most awkward, pimply faced, geeky teen who walks up to my friend and says "You were way funnier than I thought you could ever be."
Then breaks out into a cackling laughter. Not only that but his Mom, (God love her) is 400 pounds in a yellow polka-dotted mumu, driving a motorized cart in figure 8s around us, her red flag flapping. Cackling away as well.
My friend and I just stand there frozen. I mean, what in the hell do you say to that? It was surreal.
Finally we go to leave but one last acquaintance of my friend comes up.
After some small talk (um, not with me of course, between them #duh) my friend says 'Ok, well, we should get going, we were planning on going to dinner.'
Now, of course, he thought that was a great segue out of the conversation. I, of course, knew the dreaded next words.
This acquaintance turns to me and says, "Well maybe I could tag along. Do you mind?"
"Yes, actually, I do." YES. THOSE EXACT WORDS came out of my mouth.
I am blaming the Yellow Polka-Dotted Mumu cackling cart people for freaking me out so badly. #mystory #stickingtoit
Well, about then (you know when both my friend and his acquaintance's face transformed with horror) I realize, WTF, I just said that out loud!
I scramble. "It's not you. It's me...."
Not working, not working, dear god, not working, so I said the only thing that came to mind (unfortunately the truth is what bubbled up to the surface)...
"I'm Anti-Social."
By now my friend has recovered and chimes in... (let's be clear #toolittle #toolate) "Actually she and I are working on a project together.'
"Ya, that too." I add, just to complete my humiliation.
The poor acquaintance murmured his good-byes and wanders off... dazed.
Yep, that's the effect I can have.
But why have I #atlast decided to share this with you?
Well, you see I'm heading to Phoenix for #BloggyBootCamp.
Yes, me along with about 70 other people I have never met before.
Umm.. Ya, you can see how this might not go so well.
So, if you're at Bloggy and see the linens moving by themselves that would probably be me under the table. Or if meet someone that you try to strike up a conversation with who just turns bright pink and runs off, ya chances are, that was the Crafty.