For me and my CHIHUAHUA!
Yes, even I was taken aback by that thought. This is what it has come down to.
Sitting on the sand, cuddling, watching the moonrise over the surf. With a dog in my bra. #andfeelingprettydarnedgoodaboutit
But then I started thinking (always a downfall #usuallywhenthewheelscomeoffthecart)...
I mean, I am DOOMED, is not just a blog title. It is my reality. If I have any chance of marrying again, I am going to have to settle... for a felon... or worse.
And I am at a point in my life when I am just not doing to settle for some guy who smokes weed and doesn't think 3 years in Federal Prison should count as incarceration.
I mean, Chief (the said Chihuahua) has more going from him than most men. So if I am going to settle anyway, why not settle on him???
While he may not bring any income in, he is at least income neutral (ok, fine, I spend 30 cents a day to feed him), which is better than 3/4 of my ex's.
He isn't promising to get a job but just needs me to pay his car insurance #again.
He doesn't get upset that I let the dogs sleep in the bed #um #duh
He doesn't secretly smoke.
He doesn't forget to tell me he is going on vacation... without me... apparently forever.
What DOES Chief bring to the table?
He thinks I look good in anything! (and when I say anything, I mean dirty yoga pants and a ripped tee-shirt for starters)
He likes it when I eat in bed (ok, that one may be self serving since he hopes I drop something)
He loves me, more than I'm pretty sure a guy ever has.
My proof?
Some nights my back hurts and I toss and turn. I mean for hours. Even I wish I could go sleep in the other room to get away from the constant motion.
But each time I turn over, Chief gets up, comes to the other side and curls up next to me.
One night, I told him "Look, this is going to be a bad one, just go sleep in your comfy pink fluffy bed." I even lifted him up and put him them, covering him in his pink Hello Kitty blanket he loves.
But Chief climbed right of there and dug under the covers with me. I swore he was saying, "You, look! We love each and we will figure this out."
And we did. Finally I got comfortable and we feel asleep snuggling.
Um, so in reality I don't feel like I am really settling at all!!!
The only question now is... #whydidntIthinkofthisbefore!!!
Until next week!
And don't forget, my super scary serial killer book is out: Plain Jane
You can read 50 pages for free here
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